How JayChem saved a commercial laundry 1.2 million litres of water annually – from 1 washer!

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At JayChem, we pride ourselves on delivering innovative, customer-centric solutions that drive efficiency and sustainability. A recent project highlighted our commitment to these principles, resulting in substantial water savings and operational improvements for one of our newest commercial laundry customers.

The challenge

Our client, a large commercial laundry in Brisbane, operates multiple tunnel washers and several washer extractors. One of the washer extractors (a 235kg capacity Kannegiesser FAVORITvario) is equipped with an advanced water reclamation system designed to recycle and reuse water, significantly reducing water consumption. However, because the previous chemical supplier had failed to take the time to understand the intricacies of the washer extractor or to collaborate effectively with the machine’s supplier, the water recycling system had never been utilised.

JayChem’s approach

When JayChem was entrusted with the supply of chemicals and service to this commercial laundry, our first step was to conduct a comprehensive audit of the current operations. This included a detailed analysis of the washers and their potential for greater water and energy efficiency. During this process, we collaborated closely with the Kannegiesser National Service Manager to gain a deeper understanding of their equipment’s capabilities and requirements.

Our team worked meticulously to get the water reclamation system operational. This involved:

  • Technical evaluation: Identifying the specific issues preventing the system from functioning.
  • Collaboration: Working with the machine supplier to ensure all components were correctly configured and operational.
  • Optimisation: Adjusting chemical formulations to ensure compatibility with the recycled water, maintaining wash quality and hygiene standards.

The results

Once the system was up and running, the impact was immediate. The laundry began to save water from the first load, amounting to an astonishing 1.2 million litres of water annually from just one machine.This significant reduction in water usage translates into substantial cost savings and a marked decrease in the facility’s environmental footprint.

Benefits beyond water savings

The successful implementation of the water reclamation system brought additional benefits:

  • Cost efficiency: Reduced water consumption reduced utility bills and operational costs.
  • Sustainability: The laundry’s reduced water usage contributed to broader environmental sustainability goals.
  • Operational excellence: Our proactive approach demonstrated the value of a supplier who is committed to understanding and optimising all aspects of a client’s operations.


This project exemplifies JayChem’s dedication to going beyond mere product supply. By taking the time to understand our client’s unique needs and working closely with trusted equipment suppliers, we were able to collaboratively unlock significant efficiencies and savings. Our focus on innovation and customer partnership not only enhanced the laundry’s operational performance but also delivered substantial environmental benefits.

At JayChem, we believe that every challenge presents an opportunity for improvement. This case is a testament to how our detailed, customer-focused approach can lead to remarkable results, driving both business success and sustainable practices.

By Ian Elliott